The management system of WEETECH GmbH - a partner of the industry - has been certified according to ISO 9001 since 1994 by the well-accepted Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen DQS (German society for the certification of management systems). This way we prove the quality of our test systems and services and it helps us developing our capabilities.
A quality management system that meets the regulations of ISO 9001 is a way to shape and drive our company sustainably - notwithstanding the change and the resulting altering surrounding conditions. In addition it helps a corporation to identify and minimize any risks in its processes or products and services.
Here at WEETECH, from the beginning the fulfilment of customer needs, ecological aspects und quality aspects have the highest priority in the development. The definition of respective quality criteria starts with the first customer contact and ends with the phase out of the product.
All learnings from all life cycle phases are incorporated into new product developments, into production and into services. Only this way we can ensure reliable test systems that meet our customers’ needs.
Through our close cooperation with our suppliers we also support their awareness of quality and our long-term business relationship.
Solely a satisfied customer is a benchmark for our success and the development of our corporation.