Statistics includes recording (logging), analysation, interpretation and/or the presentation of data.
In case an electrical test has been performed, afterwards all information that has been logged and stored in a database can be analysed for statistical reasons. This could be regulated in industry-specific standards (e.g. documentation obligation). In case a manufacturer has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, logging and storage of data is mandatory in most cases.
An electrical test can be a low voltage test (open test, short test) as well as a high voltage test (insulation test, HV-AC test and HV-DC test), a functional test or a component test.
Further information could be: test result (PASS / FAIL), serial number of the unit under test (UUT), test program, inspector, time etc. In addition to the automatically recorded data optionally additional information about the UUT or test can be added manually.
The customer can define the spread of the data to be stored based on its own requirements.
The goal of statistical recording can be the identification of trends in production (e.g. a particular machine produces increasingly defective parts) or during testing (e.g. a particular holder within the adaption reports increasingly errors) in order to initiate any counteractions at an early stage.
At test systems from WEETECH, the focus within statistics is on logging and recording of data. The analysation of data is usually managed individually at the customer's site.